Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Air Ambulance Company Profiles Now Fed Directly Into Google Search Results

When you are next searching for air ambulance companies to rate and review look no further than Google and www.airambulanceratings.com +Air Ambulance Ratings .  Why?  Because airambulanceratings.com now feeds ratings directly to Google's search engine so you can see a company's rating right away.

The upgrades are a major milestone for our air ambulance rating and review company
Said Joshua Roth. +Joshua Roth   To have Google include our reviews directly within search results is a game changer and something no other company offers.

So what will the results look like?  Check out below for how the new listings incorporate the air ambulance ratings right in the profile.

Please see the +Angel MedFlight Worldwide Air Ambulance  above as an example air ambulance review.

We highly encourage anyone to check out what other customers have to say before making a decision on and air ambulance or medical flight company.  Also, if you have been involved with any air ambulance flights, we highly encourage you to leave feedback to let other know what your experience was.

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